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भाग्य की जान--

भाग्य की जान-- हर दिन एक नई नियति है ... हर नियति एक नई आशा है ... हर नई आशा है कि एक जीवन है ... हर नई जीवन एक आत्मा है ... हर आत्मा एक नई सतरंजी सूरज है हर रंग जिंदा है ... हर जीवित चीज एक कहानी है .. हर कहानी जवानी है ... हर दिन एक नई नियति है ... हर नियति एक नई आशा है ... हर रहस्य एक पल है ... हर पल एक जीवन है .. हर नई आशा है कि एक जीवन है ... हर नई जीवन एक आत्मा है ... हर आत्मा एक नई सतरंजी सूरज है .... हर सूरज सुनहरे कहानी है ...  मीना

एक नई सतरंगी अनपेक्षित धूप --

चमक चमक झिलमिलाता जगमगाहट... जैसे हर ओस की बूंद इंद्रधनुष के सात रंगों की तरह...  अपनी ही खुशबू से अनजान एक विनम्र कस्तूरी मृग की तरह ... महा सागर किरणों का कंबल पहने... गर्मी में कड़ाके की धूप की आहट सुनने... गर्म रेतीले पायल में घूम ता ... अनजान सूरज धूप की कालिमा पाने के लिए चला जाता है ... जैसे एक मूर्ख सूरज पर ही टहलने के लिए चला जाता है ... अनजान हर ओस की बूंद जिंदगी की थी... जैसे बारिश में इंद्रधनुष के सात रंगों जिंदा हो गया ...  अनजान भोर चुपचाप प्रकाश पर चला गया... भोर की ओर चुपचाप चलने एक सुनहरा प्रकाश की तरह ... हर ओस की बूंद अपने चरित्र से अनजान... जैसे हर एक बूंद उसकी रोशनी आत्मा था... सूरज में कभी चमक रहा इंद्रधनुष के रंग की तरह...  अपने पैर की उंगलियों के बीच चिड़चिड़ा गर्म रेत महसूस की तरह ... .  अनजान खुशी बारिश की बूंदों की तरह है... एक चंचल सुंदर मृग की तरह ...  एक शुद्ध सफेद मोर की तरह ...  अनजान अज्ञात के डर से सीमित  एक गाड़ी की तरह... यह समय के साथ प्रतिस्पर्धा पर चला गया ...  स...

A utopian joke.

This is humorous note about how a professor with a problem goes to a ZEN spiritual leader for a resolution.The Leader writes in own words.I am delighted to share it with you all.PLEASE READ ON... :-D   A professor used to come to me -- he was a professor in the same university as I was, and he said, "I would like to be a sannyasin" -- he was immensely impressed -- "but the only fear is that after becoming a sannyasin I cannot go to the pub, and you know that I am addicted to alcohol. Wearing the robe of the sannyasin it will look very weird and other drunks will start laughing."I said, "There is no harm. Drink anyway. Become a sannyasin and give it a try."   He became a sannyasin and the second day he came -- "You have put me in trouble. I was thinking there is only one trouble, the pub; there are many. My wife now touches my feet! She says, `You are so spiritual!' Now I cannot relate with her in any other way, except by giving her a b...

Letter to god

Dear God, Yesterday I heard that you are available on internet. Today I discovered you on You tube. Found it bit peculiar,  bizarre and least unexpected.So,has the Internet Made Finding Faith Easier, or More Difficult?Are preists & people really turning to the Internet to answer...I learnt about your site through this particular friend who had told me how she came it.I don't know how to describe it exactly,how I felt at that moment.Seriously I found it really puerile.And told myself- funny it is that now you find God on net.Is it so easy?And I ignored laughing at myself.And moved on working.Then one day I was sitting with nothing to do.Suddenly I remembered my friend. I felt that stupid urge find out about it.But it was more of a coincidence, when I was browsing through the YouTube,Twitter ,Google & other sites I came across so many sites offering your service.I suddenly stopped at this and started listening to my MP-3. It crossed my mind what am I doing?W...

जुगनु की तलाश --

जैसे आकाश में उड़ान भरती चक्कर काटते जुगनु हर नुक्कड़ और कोने पर चक्कर काटते तेजी से बाएँ और दाएँ मेरे सपनों में धूल,मेरी आँखों में सपने हर नुक्कड़ और कोने मे खोज कर रहा था मेरी आँखें सदैव छिपे हुए प्रकाश खोज कर रहा था बस वक़्त का ठहराव हैं और राहें अब हैं चल पडीं जमे हुए सर्द हवा में गर्म ताजगी धुंध का कम्बल लपेटे मन के कमरे में एक उजाड़ आत्मा दूर भटकने की साहस दिखाता है जुगनुओं के शहर से काल्पनिक आँखों से घिर सपने के साथ मुझ में देख चिलचिलाती धूप हमारे अस्तित्व एक सूखे पत्ते की तरह है जैसे उड़ान भरती जुगनु बाएँ और दाएँ जैसे की पृथ्वी पर आग बरसात हो रही है पृथ्वी के ऊपर उड़ान पर सूर्य पक आग तृणमणि रंग बरसती जुगनु इधर - उधर भटक एक तरलीकृत राज्य में मेरी आँखों में असीमित सपने के साथ घिर इसकी गर्मी पहले से ही झुलसा आत्मा जल रहा है यह सूर्य की गर्मी से दृढ़ता से स्पष्ट है जैसा सूर्य एक मोती का हार पहने हुए है हलकी सी सर्द है हवा एक पगड़ी की तरह मेरी आँखों में बुना सपने कुछ ढूँढ़ते हैं नुक्कड़ पे कोने पर कुछ सपनों की तलाश करने के लिए चलते हैं अभि कुछ इस दिन स...

A nasty addiction called IPL.

Can we please get on with our lives??Once again all the public is glued to their televisions day in day out.The show business is back.IPL is becoming colossal with each passing year.Business tycoons and mega Bollywood stars investing crore’s in all the teams. But the breaking News is a nasty addiction.It has become face for any good Test batsman.Apparently these days if you are a mega-star and not associated with IPL then you ain’t that famous!There is no doubt that these guys has the best odds to win the titles especially because their focus is mainly on that. Actually people are not bothered about getting to the bottom of this sleazy affair?Come on let's face it.There is something awfully sexy about observing women cheerleading and dancing in testosterone pumping outfits and plunging necklines that makes viewers escpecially go weak in the knees.IPL has certainly added oomph value to the game. Mandira was not hired for her cricketing knowledge….which include the super glamou...

A story of carnivorous love saga ~~

The story goes on like this. There was Lion and a lamb.And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...!They didn’t agree on much. In fact, they didn’t agree on  anything. They fought all the time and challenged each other ever day. So you think that lamb is stupid & amp; the lion is sick.No man...they are in love.They love because they care.But despite their differences, they  had one important thing in common. They were crazy about each other...As much they hated each other they loved one another too.One is loved because one is  loved. No reason is needed for loving.What's meant to be will always find a way.Be it love between a lion  and a lamb. And so the lamb tells another lamb -- "All I need is somebody who will eat up all my free time, my ego, my  attention and not me.Somebody who does not want the body. Somebody addicted to me and i am his daily  need.A mutual addiction.”:-) The moral story teachus us to taking risks simply means that you nee...

The future of innovation forever seeks a creating mind.

An ignited mind is the most powerful resource on the earth,above the earth and under the earth.Creativity and imagination of the human mind would always be superior to any computer.The convergence of science and technology with spirituality is touted to be the future for both science and technology , and spirituality. The creating mind seeks to remain at least one step ahead of even the most sophisticated computers and robots.It is essential to build capacity to uncover and create solutions to new problems, questions and phenomena.When you hear the sound of aero-plane going over your house, whom do you think of? Wright Brothers ...! They proved that man could fly, of-course at heavy risk and cost.Friends, we live in an era of convergence; the future of innovation would lie at the interface of science and engineering. It is estimated that in the life of a scientist or an engineer, he or she will come across and work in at least seven new areas which are born out of convergence of mul...

Hold On To Your Ass As It Is Still Grass..

BANG BANG BANG ~~~Time to take a lesson from the very funny people  behind very serious risk-taking stunts ...shooting a swine called Job consultant & Boss just to get a  job?Don't be shocked...!And don’t whine: Start being the change you want to see!But a couple of months  later many will too b happy enough to push the trigger to boundaries to get their point across. I think  then...Most would also agree with this statement.I believe this will be the ultimate personal responsibility  of every single individual for this foundation of all positive change in one's life in future.Most will c the  change that this is user-centered not only doesn’t meet with resistance, it often will go viral too!And one  golden rule to b ignored is that everything listed here has this in common: being user-centered.AKA: Failure to be user-centered.It’s that simple.Work backwards.So it’s always important to seek out diverse views on any subject, and then make up your...

Everybody likes it.

Your Constructive Criticism is welcome. Focus on the larger picture.Criticise whole heartedly because any idiot can do it.U criticise to fulfull your ego.And the idiot becomes the wise man. It does not need much intelligence to criticize or to complain. And cheaply you become wise; cheaply you become very intelligent.Everybody likes it.But the question is - why we are so ready to criticize? All profoundly original art looks ugly at first.A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament.Its  beauty comes from the fact that the author is what he is. It has nothing to do with the fact that other people want what they want. Indeed, the moment that an artist takes notice of what other people want, and tries  to supply the demand, he ceases to be an artist, and becomes a dull or an amusing craftsman, an honest or  dishonest tradesman. He has no further claim to be considered as an artist.Its just pure  imagination.Imagination without s...

What is Lean about the Lean Startup?

Start-ups hitting the jackpot are a big attraction these days.More importantly, this boom is not just about dotcoms..Startup companies, particularly those associated with new technology, sometimes produce huge returns to their creators and investors – a recent example of such was Google, whose creators are now billionaires through their share ownership.Most technology start-ups fail not because the technology doesn’t work, but because they are making something that there is not a real market for. Well let’s just say it’s not just something that happens overnight.Launching a company even in the best of times is not for the faint of heart.It’s something that starts with a fall or an injury.Doing so in an inhospitable economic environment requires true grit and supreme confidence. The eco-system - investors, mentors, angel investors and smart talent - that seeded and nourished startups was simply missing. Scores of successful executives are quitting cushy jobs to turn entrepreneur...

Phenomenal world of a leader!

There is a higher world, independent of the world we may experience through our senses. Because the senses may deceive us, it is necessary that this higher world exist, a world of Ideas or Forms - of what is unchanging, absolute and universal. In other words, although there may be something from the phenomenal world which we consider beautiful or good or just. There is a higher unchanging reality of the beautiful, goodness or justice.  To live in accordance with these universal standards is the good life -- to grasp the Forms is to grasp ultimate truth. "Thought flows in terms of stories -- stories about events, stories about people, and stories about intentions and achievements. The best teachers are the best storytellers. We learn in the form of stories. There is no greater impediment to the advancement of knowledge through the ambiguity of words.As a question mark is itself an ambiguity. And life is ambiguous... Leadership and Ambiguity might strike you as on odd th...

Life is incredibly short and it must be seized!

Gosh.... Just a few thoughts rushing through my mind before we dive into imaginations.I t's been a good year, I reckon by how it just zipped by so fast.And i want  l ive my life  without regret . The only rouse that I have is when people’s thoughts get too twisted...too jaded... We always seem to live in madness.Sitting by the window one sunday evening with cup of tea in my hand.Engrossed in my own world.Closing our eyes to the sadness.Living on the fringe of reality. Locked up in our absurdity. We  h uman beings live for quite a long time and for a lot of that time we are not happy.Why cant we be like rats. Rats live for quite a short time and for most of that time they are very, very happy...   And t he opportunity of a lifetime  must be seized  within the lifetime of the opportunity . I want to wake up feeling that I will learn something new and better every day. Seize  every moment of my day.I wish i could follow that saying which says ...