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Showing posts from August 26, 2010

Fishing for a forbidden fruit called humanism.

In future we can see kids fishing for humanism. Last week ,on a Tuesday night as usual I sat down to check my mails, about what sort of links people are posting and the news of the day on in social networking sites as Twitter,Facebook ,Word-press & Blogger like where peoples heads are at, what the latest fuzz to follow and figure out.So we all know that word of mouth is the strongest form of marketing, whether or not you can call it marketing or just the way we interact with one another, and we see evidence of this all the time.Okay,well it’s kind of freaky and interesting sometimes.Whatever,I saw a lot of people & even Dalai Lama fussing & tweeting around about Human Values.For so hundred's of years now, Science, Technology, & Human Values has provided the forum for cutting-edge research and debate in this dynamic and important field.We owe much to the thinkers of ancient traditions, the scientific and social reformers from the Renaissance forward, and those of...