How do you deal with the anger of not being able to move forward with your life? You can't live life and not be touched by it.Stagnant it can get.Sometimes you just want to vent and have someone listen, not necessarily try to "fix" things.Yes i know some things are just not fixable but need to just vent!We also forget to thank those friends on whom we can vent to that don't judge and can often find ways to make us laugh about whatever I was venting about.Life -It is a very hard.I don't think we are given much choice really.Isn't it?Its been the hardest thing we all ever have to deal with.I think we all tend to get angry with ourselves for not being able to do more than we are. We always think that we can do better.And it becomes harder & very hard, to be the sole caregiver with no respite.Its harder when you cant share it with anyone. It's harder when those who could help are the ones who dont us and then criticize what you do manage to get...
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