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Showing posts from March 12, 2012

What is Lean about the Lean Startup?

Start-ups hitting the jackpot are a big attraction these days.More importantly, this boom is not just about dotcoms..Startup companies, particularly those associated with new technology, sometimes produce huge returns to their creators and investors – a recent example of such was Google, whose creators are now billionaires through their share ownership.Most technology start-ups fail not because the technology doesn’t work, but because they are making something that there is not a real market for. Well let’s just say it’s not just something that happens overnight.Launching a company even in the best of times is not for the faint of heart.It’s something that starts with a fall or an injury.Doing so in an inhospitable economic environment requires true grit and supreme confidence. The eco-system - investors, mentors, angel investors and smart talent - that seeded and nourished startups was simply missing. Scores of successful executives are quitting cushy jobs to turn entrepreneur...