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The future of innovation forever seeks a creating mind.

An ignited mind is the most powerful resource on the earth,above the earth and under the earth.Creativity and imagination of the human mind would always be superior to any computer.The convergence of science and technology with spirituality is touted to be the future for both science and technology , and spirituality.

The creating mind seeks to remain at least one step ahead of even the most sophisticated computers and robots.It is essential to build capacity to uncover and create solutions to new problems, questions and phenomena.When you hear the sound of aero-plane going over your house, whom do you think of? Wright Brothers ...! They proved that man could fly, of-course at heavy risk and cost.Friends, we live in an era of convergence; the future of innovation would lie at the interface of science and engineering. It is estimated that in the life of a scientist or an engineer, he or she will come across and work in at least seven new areas which are born out of convergence of multiple science and technologies. Such convergence has made the border between areas completely porous.

hahaha...Hey isn't It enough to just tell people to "Think Outside the Box?By definition, every single creative idea is an original....The trick is to have a plan and make the effort to get the right mindsets of the public. And not be dependent on walk-in interviews to get good talent. If a creative mind is the key resource that makes things happen in this industry, it’s time we, as an country, thought about it as much as a good idea not as an product and profit.In that context, the question to ask is whether the job consultants and the advertising industry is actually making a conscious attempt to look for the right people at the right places.Talking about original ideas,then why every social media is stealing creative ideas from from one another is the question.Every other person is an advertisor today.Infographics has emerged in the last few years as one of the most popular and shareable forms of social content.Every other person has a page of his own with the same shareable self maketing tactic.That is also stealing or copying of an idea.Or just look in the case of movie Avatar, the central storyline has been played out in countless films before. Ya it’s certainly unfortunate that plagiarism within the industry and the country is such a subjective matter and big companies are exploiting that on a regular scale. This sort of thing happening within the advertising arena constantly without creative people ever knowing.Taking the same thought forward, lets look at hardcore equity terminology and its parallels in Media and TV Planning.There is also a strong, underlying Market Sentiment, which is also the case with viewerships. The 'mood of the public' is too different every time and compelling a factor to ignore. Yesterday they wanted mythologies… today a game show or reality show and tomorrow perhaps family dramas.So where does this original idea existed from..???If u check out properly some or other and someone has already come up with an idea...which perhaps also becomes a copy too. 

Why is the simplest answer in our lives is complexly explained and never understood...?Perhaps the creating mind of the human being will always be superior to the most powerful computers in the horizon.


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