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“If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things through' narrow chinks of his cavern.” |
If I got 15 rupee for every time in India I’d be rich.I would prefer
to invest in people this money to have loving friend around me.I wouldn't trade it for the world.I would
proudly announce that I'm rich with friends.Of course it isn't always
easy to maintain,but taking the time to nurture a lasting friendship is
worth every ounce of effort.As the years pass, some people will stay by
our side, but many won't, and we realize that each friendship we keep is
priceless.But sustaining good relationship with close-knit of friends
can be challenging at the best of times.Especially when things take on a
negative edge, competitiveness ,separate grouping and side-lining
within a group can take root, causing some members of the group to feel
left out or even victimized.Like most gifts in life, these relationships
are double-edged, the hardest and saddest side becoming more apparent
when the friendship comes to an end, and at least one party is truly
bereft on two counts. A true friend is someone who is there for you
through thick and thin - they'll laugh with you, they'll cry with
you.Not make fun of you in your time of distress.It hurts when you don't
know the reason behind the separation. Some friends come and go out of
your life quickly, but then there are the friends who you’ve known since
you were in middle school. It might seem insane to question a
friendship that has lasted so long, but with all the changes you’ve been
through since that time it’s important to remember that you’re not the
person you were in middle school and neither is your friend. Sometimes
you grow apart from your best friend and there really isn’t a good reason as to why.Sometimes the reason might be
completely one-sided too, which makes you feel even worse.They drifted
away from you and they still feel like nothing’s changed.You wonder if
you’re a cold hearted jerk for people throwing away years of friendship with you.The real question is: did your friendship
change with you?There comes a time in long-term friendship when you may
ask yourself this question. Everyone has values and respect that are
more important to them than others. But when you think about the values
that matter to you the most, does your friend support them or mock
them?And it's disturbingly hurtful when you get mocked and laughed at by
your best friend at the time of comfort you need.Sometimes it's is so hard to convince a friend.The kind of friendship
with whom we are stuck are so much involved in his/her comfort zone.
"I'm ok not really being on social networking but I have a small fan
group on Facebook and whats-app.I just play some games and do chat.Please
visit that page and like it.I'm busy with life.I'm extremely happy with
them that I don't get time to reply you". You get a reply back in two
months to the message we send. So why does the good friend suddenly act
like strangers? Our values make us who we are, and not everyone has to
agree with them.
As nice as it is to have friends,in all age groups, and lots of
them,the older you get, the more likely the number of them will decrease
substantially.Especially childhood pals.Which is quite painful.As one of my conscience points out, the older we get, the less willing
we are to hold onto so-called friendships that breed drama or offer us
nothing. But a lot of the time, we still go out of our way to salvage
messy relationships for a variety of reasons.Many times it did occur to
my mind that why they can't act their shoe size.Why can't they realize
they have come across that kindergarten stage.Of course Immaturity takes
so many forms. It can come in the way we handle small crises, to how we
behave when we don’t get our way. A terrible example of immaturity that
we as an adult don’t need in our life, is that friend who still lives to be involved in past high school-like exploits.And take up those issues
to abuse.I know we all have our selfish moments. Sometimes you gotta
look out for self. But some people make being self-absorbed a 24/7
occupation in being online still not a single minute for old friend and
those kind of friends can have you in these streets looking like a fool.
I believe what sets a good childhood friend apart from other friends is
a special caring based on liking that person’s company more than
others, a special knowing based on more confidential intimacy than with
others.But nowadays conversations that ran into hours have now trickled
down to an occasional and curt exchange of pleasantries now.Memories of
fun times shared between all have now become the harbingers of long
silence ,sighs and byes.Putting phrases like 'you keep in touch' is in
itself a painful sad fact.As most don't keep in touch. I have often
asked myself ,'What happened to her/him? Why and how did she/he change
so much?Why have they stopped talking to me? Did I do something
wrong?'Most of the time my mind and the child in me refuses to accept
the reality. 'I don't want to lose them...we meant so much to each
other...I don't want things to change...Please!' - this goes on and on
inside me.But truth is by-far tough to accept.Truth is..people have grown
up and grown apart as well.And these are the same friendships that have
stood the test of time, they say. . A reason would makes it easier to
understand the situation.It would make you feel less guilty. It would
make the dissolution less strange and painful.. The catch up phone calls
are becoming forced, you’re grasping for words trying to come up with
conversation topics
Screw my history with them in it.The present is way more important
than any history you have with someone. I sincerely feel that while I
have grown up, some of my good childhood friend has remained in the same
place since high school. The loss means the relationship no longer
functions as a healthy source of friendship.Regardless, it can still
leave a sour taste in your mouth as to the direction this friendship is
taking to. Whatsoever, I have accepted the fact of life that it is part
of every human's journey to grow internally and mature throughout life.Life has taught me to forgive.Life has taught me forgive all and to
move forward. If only everyone be positive and don't hold any grudge
and let their bitterness and resentment build up in their minds..I have
made friends with myself and understood that having meaningful
friendships can help you grow as a person.But a small question still
keeps on bubbling in my mind like a bubble is do we grow apart or just wake up one day and no longer want to be friends with someone?
It seems to me that friendships are becoming more irreverent in today's society.Friendship now has 'shrunk' to six degrees of separation theory. Pushing the arguments about the metrics adopted in the study some might question the definition of friendship, given that
connections are often only made online rather than in person.
Everything including relationships is six or fewer steps away.Infinity rules...
Nicely expressed.And true.I couldn't have written better as i am not good writer.But,really loved what ever you have written.Good luck.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for liking my writeup.Good luck to you too.