Just some day's ago,I had asked this question to some of my good friends.They said they need some "ME TIME".It is so clumsy and confusing to reply when someone walks in the door and casually asks me “Hey,whats cooking for dinner?Does the washing need help or you need help in cutting vegetables? Why cant they just help without wanting me to ask help.Then she asked me how do i get time to tweet or check Facebook or write your blog between these hassles?Quite interesting Topsy Turvy question.Which made me realize that life can often feel a lot like a rat race, and the speed in which we move through the days, weeks and months, can start to feel overwhelming.So, After hearing them ,it made me remember that expression “I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead?”
Many of us live our lives running behind time & others are so anxious of living the future that they forget to live the present..Many of us have our staple life choices to make.But many of us are too busy to do it much, and when we do it, our minds are often on other things. We cannot relax and enjoy the nothingness.This no-rush attitude doesn't represent doing less or having a lower
productivity. It means working and doing things with greater quality, productivity, perfection, with attention to detail and less stress.Judging from the friends & people I spoke to through phone,mails,blogs before writing here for this blog post, many of us also suffer with the inability to take the time, and JUST BE ME.Sure, we all know how to do nothing. We all know how to lay around and just enjoy the moment of nothingness. Shut off all distractions - TV, computer, regular phones, Blackberries, and the like. Remember don’t multi-task.Doing nothing also calls for vacation.Free from all kind of hassles.Doing nothing is hard when our communications gadgets are calling at us to do something.
Leading a hectic life, i too always want to do more than just sleep then wake up and go to work and back home help out.Some days past,my mom went to visit her youngest daughter and my little sister and my brother is out of station.Today is Sunday.It comes around every seven days, just as it did today.Today is my day.Its me time.Today is when i just sit around and do nothing.I will call up my friends.But,Immediately, I was struck with a sense of urgency. No one is here, I am alone, surely I ought to be doing something productive or not?There is a such a strong temptation to fill our lives with activities, so that no time is wasted.
Before my mom & brother left, I had plans. I was going to try to update my blog and website, write an article and maybe write something else, do some painting and upload some into my online portfolio to be pitched for publishing elsewhere.I was going to drink a cup of hot tea, listen to music, write stuff and then read a book.I'm usually not one to read Ann Landers nor one to pass along what Shobha De has to say, but Sunday I had the rare opportunity to sit down, spread out the newspaper, drink a good cup of Tea, and read without interruption.I am a bit terrified that there is a huge contingent of people all around who can’t take time for themselves when they've got it, without feeling guilty!
So,today I was going to relax.I should be making the most of the time I have sans everyone and I should be proving that I am a productive member of the family, even when that family has driven away, leaving me in peace.It’s been nearly some years now or so I feel like I've been chasing my tail with barely a moment to to something for me sans everyone...So when I sit on the couch or at the computer, I think of the work I should be doing – professional work,Some sketching,housework,thinking about what to make for dinner & lunch, writing blogs,Tweeting, writing my own stuff...
Before that last time I had time to myself I spent 2 hours of standing in the line to pay the telephone bill and later 2 hours working on a budget that I haven’t had time to work on since.It was a disaster.I was more stressed at the end of that two hours than I had been before!Last time as far as I remember I watched on such a day as this was movie "Capote". Fantastic. The pensive mood slowed me down, and I just sat there drinking hot tea.Later on,read a comic,ordered food,eating chocolate and sleep.Did I feel guilty?Actually i loved it.We all have equal time throughout the world. No one has more or less. The difference lies in how each one of us does with our time. We need to live each moment. As John Lennon said, “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans”.
I can’t say that I've not felt the guilt....But sure, we all know how to do nothing.Think of how a cat lies down, and makes itself comfortable. Cats are very, very good at doing nothing. You may never approach their level of mastery, but they make for great inspiration.It’s important, for your mental health, your sanity, and your productivity.Sometimes doing nothing is the best creative & productive one can do, but it’s hard to admit that.Is it my craziness or do you feel the same way?
Do voice your opinions.Thanks for reading.
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